Information you need to know to work as an Architect

Who is the licensing body responsible for Architects in Alberta?

In Alberta, you must be registered with the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) to practice as an Architect and use the title Architect.

What are the AAA licensure requirements for internationally educated Architects?

The Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect (BEFA) Program is an alternative pathway to licensure for foreign licensed architects. It is developed by the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities and administered by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board.

To be eligible for the BEFA program, internationally educated Architects must:

  1. Hold a degree in Architecture.
  2. Assess your competence against the Canadian Standards of Practice.
  3. Have practiced for at least seven of the past ten years in a foreign jurisdiction.
  4. Achieve Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) certification.
  5. Find an internship placement.
  6. Have at least six months of relevant Canadian architectural work experience by the time of the assessment interview. This work experience must be gained within the three years before the date scheduled for the assessment interview.
  7. Pass the Assessment Interview.
  8. Write the Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC).

NOTE: Canadian experience must be gained under the personal supervision and direction of a registered/licensed architect within the Canadian province or territory in which you intend to be licensed/registered. Once BEFA certification is granted, the applicant can register with the Alberta Association of Architects. For complete information on the certification process for Internationally Educated Architects, visit the Broadly Experienced Foreign Architects page on the Canadian Architectural Certification Board website.

What are the training requirements for Architects in Alberta?

Note: Licensing bodies compare international education and experience to Canadian standards. In Alberta, the University of Calgary's School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape offers a Master of Architecture program.

What are the accepted English language proficiency tests and where can I be tested?

There are no formal English requirements for Architects; however, Architects must have a high level of English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in order to be successful in the profession. To learn more about where to take an English language proficiency test in Alberta, visit English Language Proficiency Tests and Locations.

What resources and supports are available for internationally educated Architects?

Directions for Immigrants offers workplace communication groups to help you integrate into the Canadian work environment. The Clear Communication for Business workplace communication group is designed to help internationally educated professionals fine-tune their communication skills with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. In one week, you will learn through role-play and scenarios the nuances and expectations of the Canadian business culture. Topics include active listening, assertiveness, conflict resolution, problem solving, and teamwork. Visit the Study Groups page for more information.

What information resources are available for Architects in Alberta?

Additional Occupational Information

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