Information you need to know to work as an Agrology Technologist

Who is the licensing body responsible for Agrology Technologists in Alberta?

In Alberta, registration with the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA) is mandatory if you provide professional agrology services directly to the public or supervise registered members who provide agrology services to the public. Only registered members may call themselves a Professional Agrologist (PAg), Registered Technologist in Agrology (RTAg), Agrologist in Training (AIT) or Agrology Technologist in Training (ATT).

What are the registration requirements for internationally educated Agrology Technologists?

Internationally educated Technologists in Agrology must:

  1. Apply to the AIA as an internationally educated applicant
  2. Submit a Specialized International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) assessment OR a World Education Services (WES) assessment
  3. Provide proof of being legally able to work in Canada
  4. Complete any courses assigned by AIA
  5. Complete the In-Training Program
  6. Meet the Canadian agrology-related work experience requirements as laid out in the In-Training Program
  7. Submit a request to have your status changed to Registered Technologist in Agrology (RTAg).

For complete registration information for internationally educated Agrology Technologists, visit the Internationally Educated Applicants page on the Alberta Institute of Agrologists website.

What are the educational requirements for Agrology Technologists in Alberta?

In Alberta, Registered Technologists in Agrology (RTAg) must have a two-year diploma or applied degree in agrology that includes 45 credits of agrology and 3 credits of English or communications and complete an Agrology Technologist-in-Training (ATT) program.

The following institutions offer programs that meet ATT eligibility:

What are the accepted English language proficiency tests and where can I be tested?

The only formal English requirements for Registered Agrology Technologists in Alberta are to have completed three credits of English or communications; however, Registered Agrology Technologists must be able to communicate effectively in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in order to be successful in the profession. To learn more about where to take an English language proficiency test in Alberta, visit English Language Proficiency Tests and Locations.

What resources and supports are available for internationally educated Agrology Technologists?

Directions for Immigrants offers workplace communication groups to help you integrate into the Canadian work environment. The Clear Communication for Business workplace communication group is designed to help internationally educated professional fine-tune their communication skills with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. In one week, you will learn through role-play and scenarios the nuances and expectations of the Canadian business culture. Topics include active listening, assertiveness, conflict resolution, problem solving, and teamwork. Visit Clear Communication for Business for more information.

What information resources are available for Agrologists in Alberta?

Additional Occupational Information

For more information on occupations, duties and wages, visit: